Corporate IT-infrastructure is a complex set of hardware and software that addresses various business challenges. At the first glance, the choice of unified control and monitoring of IT services is a standard task. Nevertheless, our surveys show that often the companies fail to successfully deal with it. The right choice and successful introduction of such systems allow saving significant amounts on maintenance and support of the infrastructure life cycle.
As far as there are no similar IT-infrastructures, the choice of means of monitoring and control must be approached individually. For this purpose, we conduct analysis and testing of products and determine their ability to be integrated with each other. In the vast majority of cases, the company employees lack the time and resources to handle this challenge.
Every company should have a clear understanding of its IT resources and prepare a plan of infrastructure development in advance. Where there is no monitoring and control system in place, it requires costly audit (often external one).
With the right approach, all computing and information resources, services and assets, as well as current and forward-looking infrastructure utilization can be seen in a single management interface.
Preparation steps always precede judicious choice of such means.
We deploy our activities towards selection of the necessary control and monitoring software through exploration of your possibilities and needs (the same audit, but it takes place momentarily).
Then, we propose the optimal set of means and methods of monitoring and control which introduction may be performed both by the company itself and with the assistance of our experts.